พบภาพวาดสาวกทั้ง12 ที่คาดว่าเก่าแก่ที่สุดในโลก



ได้มีการค้นพบภาพเหมือน ของเหล่าสาวกทั้ง12 ที่คาดว่าเก่าแก่ที่สุดในโลก
ปรากฏบนเพดานภายในสุสาน ใต้ดินของหญิงสาวสูงศักดิ์ผู้หนึ่งในโรม
บริเวณใกล้กับ St. Paul's Basilica

คาดว่าวาดไว้ตั้งแต่ปลายศตวรรษที่4 ต่อศตวรรษที่5 เลยทีเดียว!

จริงๆถูกพวกคาร์บอเนตคลุมหนาเตอะเยย แต่ใช้เทคโนโลยีเลเซอร์สักอย่าง

ภาพที่พบ ยังความประหลาดใจเป็นอย่างมาก เพราะเป็นภาพที่ใช้สีสัน
แตกต่างกับภาพ สมัยก่อนที่ไม่ค่อยใช้สีหลากหลายนัก

ภาพใบหน้าเต็มที่ค้นพบ ยกตัวอย่างเช่น St. Peter, St. Andrew และ St. John
เช่นเดียวกับภาพของ St. Paul ที่ได้กลายมาเป็นสาวกหลังองค์เยซูเสียชีวิตอีกด้วย

คร่าวๆ ประมาณนี้อ่ะ ไปอ่านเต็มๆกันเองเน้อ
แปลมะออก รอภาษาไทย เหอๆๆ


แหล่ง ข่าว

--Oldest portraits of Jesus Christ's apostles discovered--

Posted On: 23-Jun-2010 16:03:06 By: George Smith

Geologist working during the excavation

Washington: The oldest known portraits of Jesus Christ's apostles have been found in a catacomb near St. Paul's Basilica in Rome. Vatican officials announced the discovery at a news conference on Tuesday.

Dating from the end of the 4th century, the full-face paintings depict three of Jesus' original 12 apostles-St. Peter, St. Andrew and St. John-as well as St. Paul, who became an apostle after Christ's death.

Already, the Vatican had announced the discovery of St.Paul's icon last June, to mark the end of the Pauline year. But the portrait was part of a larger fresco that also included the full-face depictions of the other three apostles.

Located on the ceiling of a noblewoman's burial place in the catacombs of St. Tecla, the four circular portraits, about 50 centimeters (19.7 inches) in diameter, were buried in layers of white calcium carbonate caused by the extreme humidity and lack of air circulation.

"Using a new laser technology, we have been able to burn off some rather thick deposits of white calcium without damaging the extraordinary colors of the frescoes," Discovery News quoted Barbara Mazzei, director of the two year restoration project, as saying.

Mazzei said that the laser worked as an "optical scalpel," and the images of the apostles came to light in full detail, showing that devotion to the apostles began in early Christianity.

And, St. Peter's long, white beard, his squared face and the wrinkles on St. Paul's forehead indicate that these frescoes may have set the standard for future representations of the apostles.

"These are the first images of the apostles," said Fabrizio Bisconti, the superintendent of archaeology for the catacombs, which are maintained by the Vatican's Pontifical Commission of Sacred Archaeology.

"The paintings of Andrew and John are undoubtedly the oldest ever. There are some older representations of St. Peter dating to the middle of the fourth century, but this is the first time that the apostle is not shown in a group but in an full face icon," Bisconti told reporters.

Measuring about 2 meters by 2 meters (6.6 feet by 6.6 feet), the frescoes also depict the bejewelled noblewoman and her daughter.

"She could have been one of those aristocratic Roman women who had converted to Christianity at the end of the fourth century," said Bisconti.

ที่มา: http://www.mynews.in/News/Oldest_portraits_of_Jesus_Christ%27s_apostles_discovered_N63209.html


อีก ข่าวนึง รูปชัดดี แปะๆๆ

The earliest and most accurate images of St. Paul and St. Peter the Apostles found

Upon the discovery of the sarcophagus and its bone fragments dated almost 2000 years old to be that of St. Paul’s mortal remains, the colleagues of the scientists responsible in the archaeological site beneath the main altar of St. Paul Basilica outside the walls has also stumbled upon an image on a different archaeological site, believed to be the earliest and most accurate images of Sts. Peter and Paul, frescoed on the walls of the Catacombs of Saint Tecla. Below are the pictures of the said images which was discovered just recently:

A restorer uses a laser to reveal an image that Vatican archaeologists believe is the oldest one of St Paul the Apostle, dating from the late fourth century, on the walls of a catacomb beneath Rome in this undated photo released June 29, 2009. Experts of the Ponitifical Commission for Sacred Archaeology made the discovery on June 19 in the Catacomb of Santa Tecla in Rome and describe it as the “oldest icon in history dedicated to the cult of the Apostle”, according to the Vatican newspaper. Peter and Paul are revered by Christians as the greatest early missionaries. Converting on the road to Damascus following a blinding vision of Jesus, Paul took the Gospel to pagan Greeks and Romans and met his martyrdom in Rome in about 65 AD.


St. Peter’s Image – Hollywood depictions of St. Peter is correct. St. Peter was indeed Blonde.

St. Paul’s Image

ที่ มา: http://bluepanjeet.net/2009/07/06/5224/earliest-accurate-image-st-paul-st-peter-apostle/

Credit: คอมี๋ย่างแซ๊บแซ่บ
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