รูปภาพ ใช้เวลา 33 ปีในการขุด Panama Canal 1881-1914 years


รูปภาพ ใช้เวลา 33 ปีในการขุด Panama Canal 1881-1914 years

The narrow isthmus connecting North and South America, even in the 16th century was considered a very promising place to build the shortest route between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. In the 19th century, the development of technology and the need in such a way reached the point where the plan for a canal through Panama looked already quite real. Inspired by the construction of the Suez Canal (which has already been built), an international company La Societe Internationale du Canal Interoceanique in 1879 bought the engineer Wise for 10 million francs, the concession for the construction of the Panama Canal, he had received from the Government of Colombia to monitor, While Panama. And so it began .

ที่มา dofiga.net/interesno/stroitelstvo-panamskogo-kanala-1881-1914-gody-40-foto/


Credit: เอ็มไทยพิคโพสต์
4 ธ.ค. 58 เวลา 06:42 2,993 30
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