กระทู้: Best Lawyers in Hong Kong
Lawzana helps you find the best lawyers in Hong Kong within our pre-screened list of law firms. They speak english and are specialized in different fields of practice. Get a quote from the best law firms in Hong Kong hassle-free and time-saving.

What questions to ask a lawyer in  Hong Kong before hiring them?

Something that is supposed to come with the profession, honesty and high ethics are essential in your selection of  Best lawyers in Hong Kong, you can take advantage of the free consultation many lawyers and law firms in Kuala Lumpur offer. You can determine the character of your lawyers through the initial conversation.  Usually they offer an hour or less free for the consultation, be sure to make the right questions to them like:

- Years practicing. Experienced lawyers will have the right approach to your issue.
- Experience in the same legal area. Be sure your chosen lawyer is expert on the same legal field of your issue.
- Success cases.  Gain trust through their success cases.
- The caseload they will assign to your case. Are they free enough for your case?
- Pricing structure, essential to avoid surprise on the billing.
- Malpractice insurance. Things can get nasty, ask for malpractice responsibility.
- Special skills or certifications. Continuous education will show passion and responsibility in their procession.
- Who will be assigned to your case. Is your case going to be passed to a junior member or to the person you are directly consulting.
- How often you will be updated about your case. As much feedback as possible will be the best to have confidence in your lawyer.
- Client references.

Don’t hesitate to interview several law firms or lawyers until you find the right match in all the aspects, from the right pricing, experience and trust.

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